Here's row 3 of the doily I've been working on since July! This pattern uses two tatting shuttles, although the second row requires only one. You can also use the shoelace…
I have no idea what brought the idea for a goblet charm into my mind. We use my goblets once a year to have some non-alcoholic sparkling juice at Christmas,…
This little heart is in memory of my father-in-law, who passed away last week. He was a kind, gentle man who I wish I'd had more opportunity to get to…
I was thinking about the tatting patterns I've done in the past, and realized that most everything was based on tatting in a circle or an oval. So I thought…
This little guy was a collaboration. I came up with about 80% of it myself, but my husband and daughter came up with the rest. He sure would have been…
Sometimes when I design, I start out to make something and end up making something entirely different. This design started out as an edging, then morphed to a bird (a…
This bookmark will be a Christmas gift for my son's girlfriend. He said she likes purple, so I decided little violets would be fun. I made the outer green design…
I've had a number of requests for a Christmas stocking lately, so I thought I'd put one together. This little stocking is perfect for adding as a decoration to a…