Last week here in Colorado we had one of our surprise spring snowstorms. The day before was a beautiful spring day, but we woke to big snowflakes and wind. We had about one foot of snow on the ground that morning, but by afternoon, it had melted down to 3″. That’s spring in Colorado! I designed this suncatcher while I enjoyed the storm that day.
This is a beginner-level 2-shuttle pattern using simple rings and chains. The snowflake-shaped prism in the middle is a Swarovski crystal and is available at the Be-stitched tatting store. Tatting was done using size 30 white Cebelia.
For a more detailed image, scroll to the bottom of this page.
Printable pattern (142K. Opens a new window.)
Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.
ds | double stitch | R | ring |
p | picot | j | join |
Ch | chain |
You will need:

<DMC Cebelia thread in white, size 30
1 Swarovski crystal snowflake prism
4″ brass ring (sold at hobby and craft stores)
Invisible thread or fishing line
tatting shuttles
Round 1: (2 shuttles)
*R: 4ds, 6 p separated by 2ds, 14ds, close, turn
Ch: 3ds, 7 p separated by 2ds, lock j to 6th p of R, turn*
Repeat between * until you have 12 rings
Cut off and tie to base of first R.
Round 2: (1 shuttle)
Joins in this round use the 2nd, 4th and 6th picot of each Ch in the previous round.
R: 5ds, j to p of a Ch on the previous round, 5ds, close, turn
*R: leave 1/8″ of thread, 3ds, 7 p separated by 2ds, 3ds, turn
R: leave 1/8″ of thread, 5ds, j to p of a Ch on the previous round, 5ds, close, turn*
Repeat between * all the way around.
R: leave 1/8″ of thread, 3ds, 7 p separated by 2ds, 3ds
Cut off and tie to base of first R.
Lightly steam your tatting until it lays flat. Let it cool and dry. Thread a needle with about 1 yard of the invisible thread or fishing line. Pass through center p on a ring of the last round and pull up until both ends of the thread are even. Tie a secure knot over the brass ring. Then pass the needle through the middle picot on the next ring and half-way around the brass ring. Do the same with the other end of the thread around the other half of the ring. Tie another secure knot. Don’t cut the threads yet.
Thread about 1 foot of invisible thread through the hole in the crystal. Bring ends up even, make a knot in both ends approximately 1-3/8″ from the crystal. Thread one end through the picot at the hanger loop, tie a knot with both ends tightly to the brass ring.
Now bring all loose thread ends together and tie another knot 4-6″ away from the brass ring. Trim the excess thread so it’s about 1″ from the last knot and use this large loop as your hanger.

Copyright 2005 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.