This dragonfly was actually inspired by a quilt. The April photograph on my calendar on my desk is of a gorgeous dragonfly by Kelly Gallagher-Abbott.
I used the heart-shaped ring for the head because I wanted to shape it somewhat like a real dragonfly’s head. If you’d rather do a plain ring, just do the same number of double-stitches and leave the picot off.
If you tatted my bird pattern, this should be familiar to you because of the wings. I did change how the wing on the right half is done, though. After I sent out the bird pattern, I got several suggestions and links to instructions on how to make a drop picot, or inward facing picot. It is a much more elegant way of accomplishing the same thing.
You can find information on drop picots on the following pages, as well as patterns, too.
This information came from the good ladies at the Here-Be-Tatters Yahoo! Group. If you have questions about tatting, or just want to talk with people who tat, this is a great place to go! (I’m not affiliated, I just think it’s a great place to learn a lot and make friends!)
This pattern is advanced beginner to intermediate level and uses two shuttles.
Printable pattern (125K. Opens a new window.)
Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.
You will need:
Thread in your choice of color and size.
2 tatting shuttles
3 safety pins (for making the drop picots)
ds | double stitch | R | ring | Ch | chain | p | picot |
j | join | lj | lock join | dp | drop picot | sl | shoelace trick |
Bottom left wing
R: (4ds p) 3 times, 4ds, close, turn
Ch: 6ds turn
R: 4ds j to last p of prev R (4ds p) 2 times, 4ds, close, turn
Ch: 6ds turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds, close, turn
Ch: 15ds lj to center p of last R, 3ds p 3ds, lj to center p of next R, 3ds p 3ds, lj to center p of first R, 3ds, sl
Top left wing
Ch: 3ds p 3ds, sl
R: (4ds p) 3 times, 4ds, close, turn
Ch: 3ds j to center p of corresponding chain on previous wing, 3ds turn
R: 4ds j to last p of prev R (4ds p) 2 times, 4ds, close, turn
Ch: 3ds j to center p of next chain, 3ds turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds, close, turn
Ch: 15ds lj to center p of last R, 3ds p 3ds, lj to center p of next R, 3ds p 3ds, lj to center p of first R, 3ds, do not turn
R: 9ds p 4ds j to last p on same R, 9ds, close, do not turn
Top right wing
Ch: 3ds dp (6ds dp) 2 times, 15ds, turn
R: 3ds p 3ds j to closest dp, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Ch: 3ds p 3ds, turn
R: 4ds j to last p of prev R, 4ds j to next dp, 4ds p 4ds, close, turn
Ch: 3ds p 3ds, turn
R: 4ds j to last p of prev R, 4ds j to next dp, 4ds j to free p on corresponding R on top left wing 4ds, close, sl
Ch: 3ds p 3ds, sl
Bottom right wing
Ch: dp 3ds j to center p of corresponding chain on top right wing 3ds, dp 3ds j to center p of next chain 3ds dp 15ds, turn
R: 3ds p 3ds j to closest dp, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Ch: 6ds turn
R: 4ds j to last p of prev R, 4ds j to next dp, 4ds p 4ds, close, turn
Ch: 6ds turn
R: 4ds j to last p of prev R, 4ds j to next dp, 4ds j to free p on corresponding R on bottom left wing 4ds, close, do not turn
Ch: 6ds, turn
R: (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
*Ch: 5ds, turn
R: 2ds j to last p of prev R, (2ds p) 2 times, 2ds, close, turn*
Repeat between * three more times until 5 rings are done.
Ch: 12ds lj to center p of last R, (5ds lj to center p of next R) 4 times, 6ds
Cut and tie.

Copyright 2008 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.