Tatted Tornado

Tatted Tornado

Here in northern Colorado last week we had some highly unusual weather. We rarely get tornados, and when we do, they are small in comparison to the tornados that hit “tornado alley”, or the mid-section of the United States. I always felt like I was safe from that kind of thing here.

Until last Thursday. The town just to the northeast of us was hit directly by a tornado that was said to be up to a mile wide (1.6 km). I didn’t personally see it, but it was amazing to see the clouds that day–and frightening. I found out the next day that another tornado had touched down not a mile from where I was that day.

It was a very humbling and sobering experience. Our area is working on clean-up and healing.

It may seem odd after what I’ve said here, but it seemed a bit of humor would help with the healing. So, with that in mind, I tatted this tornado and added a few embellishments for comic relief. It lightened my load to make it.

Other ways to use this pattern would be as a sprig of wisteria or lilac, or maybe a bunch of grapes. Just change the color!

This pattern is beginner level and uses one shuttle. I used size 30 DMC Cebelia.

Printable pattern (259K. Opens a new window.)

Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.

You will need:

Thread in your choice of color and size.
1 tatting shuttle
Decorations to glue to the tornado

dsdouble stitchRringChchain  
jjoinppicotslshoelace trick  


Row 1

R: (3ds p) 3 times, 3ds, close, turn
*Ch: (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds, close, turn*
Repeat between * until a total of 9 rings have been completed. Do not turn after the last ring.
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 2

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
**Ch: (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R 3ds j to center p of next Ch, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn**
Repeat between ** across.
***Ch: (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R, (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds, close, turn***
Repeat between *** once more, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 3

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across on all chains except the last. SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 4

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across.
Repeat between *** twice, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 5

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 6

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 7 times, 2ds, turn

Row 7

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of second closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across.
Repeat between *** once, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 8

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 9

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across.
Repeat between *** once, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 10

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 7 times, 2ds, turn

Row 11

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of second closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across.
Repeat between *** once, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 12

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of closest Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Repeat between ** across, SL
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds, turn

Row 13

R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of Ch on previous row, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
Ch: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds.

Cut and tie to base of first ring on previous row. Attach decorations with hot glue or sew them on.

Copyright 2008 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.


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