2016 Doily row 4

2016 Doily row 4

I wanted to turn the triangle around with this row so when this is done, we have triangles within triangles.  I suppose it satisfies the math nerd in me.

I expect there to be at least one more row, maybe two.  I don’t know yet!  I’ll keep stitching until it feels done to me.

In case you missed them, here are links to the first three rows.

Row 1
Row 2
Row 3

I used Lizbeth White Color 601 Size 40 thread for this row. The design as shown is approximately 7 inches (18 cm) across when stitched with size 40 thread.

Printable pattern

Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.

You will need:

Threads in your choice of color and size.
2 tatting shuttles or tatting needle

dsdouble stitch


On each side of row 3, there are four chains.  Ignore the chains that go around each corner.  For this row, consider the first chain worked on each side as row 3 chain 1, and the last chain worked on each side as row 3 chain 4.

Medallion 1

Using shuttle 1
R1: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds close, turn
Ch1: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn
R2: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of previous R, (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds close, do not turn
Using shuttle 2
Leave a thread space of about 1/4 inch (.8 cm)
R3: 2ds p j to 4th p of previous Ch (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
R4: 2ds j to last p of previous R 2ds p 2ds j to 10th p of row 3 chain 4, 2ds p 2ds p 2ds, close, do not turn
R5: 2ds j to last p of previous R (2ds p) 4 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
Using shuttle 1
Leave a thread space of about 1/4 inch (.8 cm)
Ch2: 2ds p 2ds j to 6th p of previous R (2ds p) 3 times, 3ds, turn
*R6: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of R2 (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
Ch3: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn*
Repeat between * until 8 rings are completed, including the clover leaf.
R9: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of previous R, 2ds p 2ds j to 2nd p of R1, 2ds p 2ds, close, turn
Ch6: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds
Cut and tie.

Medallion 2

Using shuttle 1
R1: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds close, turn
Ch1: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn
R2: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of previous R, (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds close, do not turn
Using shuttle 2
Leave a thread space of about 1/4 inch (.8 cm)
R3: 2ds p j to 4th p of previous Ch (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
R4: 2ds j to last p of previous R 2ds p 2ds j to 8th p of row 3 chain 1, 2ds p 2ds p 2ds, close, do not turn
R5: 2ds j to last p of previous R (2ds p) 4 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
Using shuttle 1
Leave a thread space of about 1/4 inch (.8 cm)
Ch2: 2ds p 2ds j to 6th p of previous R (2ds p) 3 times, 3ds, turn
R6: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of R2 (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
Ch3: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn
R7: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of R6 (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
Ch3: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn
R8: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of R7 (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
Ch3: 3ds p 2ds p 2ds j to center p of Ch4 of previous medallion, 2ds p 2ds p 3ds, turn
R9: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of previous R, 2ds p 2ds j to 2nd p of R1, 2ds p 2ds, close, turn
Ch6: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds
Cut and tie.

Medallion 3

Using shuttle 1
R1: (2ds p) 5 times, 2ds close, turn
Ch1: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn
R2: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of previous R, (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds close, do not turn
Using shuttle 2
Leave a thread space of about 1/4 inch (.8 cm)
R3: 2ds p j to 4th p of previous Ch (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
R4: 2ds j to last p of previous R 2ds p 2ds j to 10th p of row 3 chain 4, 2ds p 2ds p 2ds, close, do not turn
R5: 2ds j to last p of previous R (2ds p) 4 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
Using shuttle 1
Leave a thread space of about 1/4 inch (.8 cm)
Ch2: 2ds p 2ds j to 6th p of previous R (2ds p) 3 times, 3ds, turn
R6: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of R2 (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
Ch3: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn
R7: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of R6 (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
Ch4: 3ds p (2ds p) 4 times, 3ds, turn
R8: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of R2 (2ds p) 3 times, 2ds, close, turn
Ch5: 3ds p 2ds p 2ds j to Ch5 of first medallion, 2ds p 2ds p 3ds, turn
R9: 2ds p 2ds j to 4th p of previous R, 2ds p 2ds j to 2nd p of R1, 2ds p 2ds, close, turn
Ch6: 3ds p 2ds p 2ds j to Ch4 of second medallion, 2ds p 2ds p 3ds
Cut and tie.

Repeat for each side.

Visual pattern: start at the red dot.  Row 1 is shown in green, row 2 is shown in blue, row 3 is shown in black, and row 4 is shown in pink.

Copyright 2016 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.


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