Hi all!
I forgot to mention in my previous post where you can now get tatting supplies. Here’s a list for you!
Handy Hands
DS9 Designs
Shuttle by Design
Tatting Corner
I’m sure there are more, but these are the ones I know of offhand.

Over the Christmas holiday, we had our son and his wife visiting from Utah, plus our daughter came up from Denver, and another other son lives nearby. So among all the preparations for Christmas we had a party nearly every night with these guys! I love it when the kids come to visit.
My daughter-in-law absolutely LOVES Christmas. She will actually start counting the days until Christmas starting the day after. LOL! Because we had been so busy with the liquidation sale, I was way behind on my decorating by the time they arrived. All I had out was the Christmas tree, and it wasn’t even decorated yet. So when they arrived, she happily pitched in and helped me decorate.
I had lots of new stuff that had been my mother’s and my mother-in-law’s. Decorating was so much fun this year because of that, and because of my DIL’s help.
At any rate, that was the beginning of the busy-ness of the week. I cooked a lot, played games, stayed up late, and had a great time. But by the time they left, I was exhausted! I took a day, rested, and planned what I was going to do next.

The bedroom where we had the store was now emptied of all tatting supplies and needed to be set up for my sewing space. So I planned out where to put my desk, the cutting table, the ironing board, and as many bookcases as I could cram in the room. Then Bruce and I headed down to the basement and found a gallon of paint that was left over from painting the interior of the house earlier this year.
I had planned to get the painting done all in one day, but it was all I could do to get one coat done. The first day, Bruce and I worked until just after dark. I learned the next morning why it’s just not a good idea to paint after dark. We missed a whole bunch of spots.
We gave it a second coat, then I took a few days to get everything in the room and set up the way I wanted. Better to take more time and start with everything organized than to throw it all in the room and deal with the mess. I normally make a mess, so I figure at least for a while it’ll be organized.
The whole business confused my cats terribly. This is a picture of Ansel cautiously looking around. But now that it’s done, they’re loving all the vertical space they have access to.
So here’s how it looks now. Yay! And yes, that’s my version of a “clean” desk. It seems there are always things that don’t have a place to be. Sometimes they’re in a state if limbo, meaning I need to do something with them but I don’t know what yet. Plus there’s no sense in finding a place to put them since they’d be going away once I’ve taken care of them. These things always end up on my desk.

So now that everything is all tucked away, I’m ready to start creating again! What to do first…?