I found out that a sweet friend of mine collects penguins, and at the same time I received a request for a penguin pattern. It seemed to be the best choice for this month!
I apologize about the crazy background color in this photo. This little guy just didn’t want his picture taken, and this is the only color we got to work.
This is an intermediate to experienced beginner pattern. It is about 1 inch (3 cm) tall when done with size 40 thread. I used Lizbeth white and black in size 40.
Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.
You will need:
Thread in your choice of color and size.
1 tatting shuttle or 1 tatting needle
1 seed bead in orange or gold
ds | double stitch | p | picot | bj | bead join |
j | join | sl | shoelace trick |
How to do the shoelace trick
How to add a bead at a join
Wherever these instructions say cut and tie, I used Fray Check to seal the threads in place. I figure this is not an heirloom piece, and by the time the Fray Check turns brown, this little guy will be lost somewhere.
Body (white–start at the red dot)
R: (3ds p) 5 times, 15ds, close, cut and tie.
Back (black)
R: 3ds p 3ds j to second p of body ring, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn
*Ch: 6ds, turn
R: 3ds j to last p of previous R, 3ds j to next p of body ring, 3ds p 3ds, close, turn*
Repeat between * until you’ve joined to the last p, sl
Ch: 3ds cut and tie.
Head (black)
R: 4ds bj to first p of body ring, 4ds j to first p of back ring, 12ds, close, turn
Ch: 1ds cut and tie.
Wing (black)
String thread through the join at the top of the back, making sure both ends of the thread are on the right side of the penguin. Tie to the shuttle.
Ch: 8ds, tighten stitches down so the wing curves. Cut and tie.
Here are a couple of variations. I also liked the penguin with one less ring on its back. If you decide to do this, adjust the body ring as follows.
Body (white)
R: (3ds p) 4 times, 12ds, close, cut and tie.
To make these for earrings, adjust the head as follows.
Head (black)
R: 4ds bj to first p of body ring, 4ds j to first p of back ring, 6ds p 6ds, close, turn
Ch: 1ds cut and tie.

Copyright 2014 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.