Tatted Flower

Tatted Flower

I taught Bruce to tat a long time ago so he understands the basic movements, but he never had any interest beyond that. Consequently, he doesn’t quite understand the limitations of tatting when using only simple rings and chains. But he does like to come up with designs that he’d like me to tat and they’re often not feasible unless I use some advanced techniques.

Last month Bruce drew up this design, and I took up his challenge for the free pattern for this month. It didn’t hurt that he agreed to take me for ice cream if I got it done by 9:00 that night. I had to do a minor change in the basic design, but when I finally got it figured out, he was pretty happy with the result. And I got my ice cream.

This is an experienced beginner pattern due to the need for two shuttles, and because of the Josephine Knot.  Keep a good hold on your stitches as you make the Josephine Knot because it has a tendency to curl.  You may substitute a ring of 10ds if you prefer.

Printable pattern

I used Lizbeth size 20 thread in Caribbean Color 122. The completed design is about 2 inches (5 cm) across when done with size 20 thread.

Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.

You will need:

Threads in your choice of color and size.
2 tatting shuttles or tatting needles
small crochet hook

dsdouble stitch
ljlock join
JKJosephine Knot

How to do a lock join
How to avoid a twisted picot
How to make a Josephine Knot


Row 1 (use 1 shuttle and ball)

R1: 4ds p 3ds p (1ds p) 3 times, 3ds p 4ds, close, do not turn
R2: 4ds j to last p of previous R 3ds p (1ds p) 3 times, 3ds p 4ds, close, do not turn
Repeat R2 2 more times
R5: 4ds p 3ds p (1ds p) 3 times, 3ds j to first p of first R 4ds, close
Cut and tie.

Row 2 (use 2 shuttles)

Before starting, wind one shuttle and cut from the ball.  Pass thread on this shuttle through one of the joined picots.  Wind enough of this thread onto your second shuttle to complete the round.

Shuttle 1:
*Ch1: 2ds lj to next p on R from row 1, do not turn
Shuttle 2:
R: 4ds p 4ds, close, lj to next p on R from row 1, do not turn
R: 4ds p 4ds, close, lj to next p on R from row 1, do not turn
R: 4ds p 4ds, close, lj to next p on R from row 1, do not turn
Shuttle 1:
Ch2: 2ds lj to next joined p from row 1*
Repeat between * around.  Cut and tie.

Row 3 (use 2 shuttles)

Prepare your shuttles in the same way as row 2, connecting the thread in the picot on any center R on row 2.

Shuttle 1:
*Ch1: 12ds, do not turn
Shuttle 2:
JK: 12, close, do not turn
Shuttle 1:
Ch2: 12ds lj to p on center ring from next set of 3 rings*
Repeat between * around.  Cut and tie.

Copyright 2016 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.


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