This isn’t a quick edging, but it was fun to tat! The design doesn’t really come together until you’ve done both rows because the medallion of the first row isn’t complete until the second row is done.
Because of this, you should probably tat a sample of three like what is done here so you can measure the distance between motifs. This way you will know how many repeats to make to match the length of where you use it.
As I worked on this and wondered what to call it, I set it down and asked my husband what his thoughts were. He thought it looked like a trio, and it was then I saw the little girls in it. How fun!
This is actually a forerunner of the edging I think I may do for a christening dress someday. Just one of the many big projects in my head that I may or may not ever get to. I plan on having a very wide edging along the bottom, and this will probably be part of it. Some projects take a long, long time to get clear in my head before I’ll start on them.
This pattern is beginner level and uses two shuttles. It uses the shoelace trick (SL) and the continuously wound method (CWT).
To tat with two shuttles, tat with a second shuttle in the place of the ball. When the pattern says to change shuttles, use the “ring” shuttle for chains, and the “chain” shuttle for rings. (Clear as mud?)
Printable pattern (146K. Opens a new window.)
Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.
You will need:
Tatting thread in your choice of color.
2 tatting shuttles
I refer to two motifs in this pattern. The one I refer to as the upper motif is the circle of rings shown at the top of the visual pattern. The other is the set of five rings pointing downward on the visual pattern.
Row 1
R: (3ds p) 5 times, 3ds close, turn
*Ch: (3ds p) 3 times, 3ds, turn
R: 3ds p 3ds j to 4th p of prev R (3ds p) 3 times, 3ds close, turn
* Repeat between * until a total of 7 rings completed, except that after the 7th ring do not turn. Swap shuttles.
Ch: (3ds p) 3 times, 3ds, turn
R: 3ds p 3ds j to center p of Ch before previous R (3ds p) 3 times 3ds, close, turn
Ch: (3ds p) 3 times, 3ds, do not turn. Swap shuttles.
Repeat all of the above to the length you wish. Cut and tie.
Row 2
It helps to start this row using CWT
R: (3ds p) 5 times 3ds, close, do not turn
Leave 1/4″ of thread between rings
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R, (3ds p) 4 times, close, do not turn
Repeat last R twice more to form a clover leaf
LJ in space made by the 1/4″ of open thread
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 4 times, close, turn
Ch: (3ds p) 3 times 3ds, SL
R: 3ds j to last p of prev Ch (3ds p) 4 times 3ds, close, do not turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R 3ds j to 2nd p of first R of upper motif, 3ds p 3ds j to 4th p of last R in same motif, 3ds p 3ds, close, do not turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 4 times, close, SL
Ch: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds, turn
R: (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds j to center p of last R in prev lower motif, (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds, close, do not turn
Leave 1/4″ of thread between rings
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R, 3ds p 3ds j to center p of next R in prev lower motif (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds, close, do not turn
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 4 times, 3ds, close, do not turn
Repeat last R one more time
LJ in space made by the 1/4″ of open thread
R: 3ds j to last p of prev R (3ds p) 4 times, close, turn
Ch: 3ds j to last p of prev Ch (3ds p) 2 times, 3ds j to last p of first Ch after upper motif, 3ds j to first p of next Ch (3ds p) 3 times, turn
Repeat the entire length of row 1, joining each lower motif at center p of rings on corresponding lower motif, and joining first p of chains above lower motif.
Cut and tie.

Copyright 2007 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.