Here’s the third installment of Bruce’s doily. Just one more row after this one!
This row is easy to tat, but looks awful before it’s blocked. The next row will hold all the clover leaf motifs together and will finish the whole doily nicely.
I used Lizbeth Autumn Spice, Color 136 in size 20.
Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.
You will need:
Thread in your choice of color and size.
1 tatting shuttle or tatting needles
ds | double stitch |
p | picot |
lj | lock join |
Clover leaf
This will be referred to simply as “CL” in the remainder of the instructions.
R: (2ds p) 9 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
R: 2ds j to last p of previous R, (2ds p) 8 times, 2ds, close, do not turn
R: 2ds j to last p of previous R, (2ds p) 8 times, 2ds, close, turn
(Start here)
%Ch: 15ds j to 3rd p of one of the corner Ch on previous round, 15ds, turn
Ch: 15ds j to center p of next Ch on previous round, 15ds, turn
*Ch: 15ds skip one Ch on previous round and j to center p of next one, 15ds, turn
Continue between * until there are no more Ch in the previous round on this side.
Ch: 15ds j to 5th p of next Ch on previous row, 15ds, turn
Repeat between % around the doily. Cut and tie.

Copyright 2014 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.