My new shuttle arrived today!

My new shuttle arrived today!

I met Rita Richmond, owner of Shuttle By Design at Tat Days this year.  When I had some free time, I headed to her booth to see what she had.  She makes the most awesome shuttles!  They’re light and smooth, and they hold a ton of thread.  They’re absolutely perfect for designs with beads.  Just look how much room there is on it.  You can fit a whole lot of beads on there.

And best of all, she had a book of designs I could order from.

I’m a sucker for anything “cat”, and when I saw this design, I just had to have it.  Her original design had a gray and a brown one, I think.  I have a black and a gray cat, so I asked if it were possible to change colors.  She wasn’t sure just then how it would be done, so I told her not to worry about changing it.  I loved it just the way it was, too.

What I didn’t realize is that Bruce went over later and asked her to go ahead and change the colors of the cats.  So I was surprised when I got an email from Rita with a photograph of the shuttle (she likes to get your final approval before she ships it).  There were my black and gray cats!

Needless to say, I approved the design, and it arrived today.  I LOVE THIS SHUTTLE!  It feels delicious.

Please check out her awesome stuff.  It’s all hand-painted by Rita, and she even makes the shuttles herself, too.  I think I may go back and get a plastic one for when I’m tatting with beads.  I’m pretty rough on my shuttles and I’d feel better using a workhorse instead of such a piece of art.

Her web site:
Her Facebook page:

Happy tatting!


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