I’m a grandma again!

I’m a grandma again!

The twins were born on December 22!  They’re doing very well and just came home from the hospital yesterday.

I thought I had until January to get their quilts done.  Silly me…I know twins come early a lot of the time.  So now I’m rushing to get them done.

I picked a very simple design – squares cut from a cute novelty fabric with all sorts of trucks on it, with a plaid sashing and coordinating borders.  One quilt has red plaid, the other has blue.  I cut everything out yesterday, and quilted the afternoon away.  I managed to get both quilt tops done except for the borders, which I did today.  They’re ready to be put onto the machine!  I’m going to put them on at the same time and do an edge-to-edge design on them.  My goal is to have the quilting done tomorrow.  Woohoo!  Two quilts in three days!

On the machine and ready to go!  I picked out some cute car and truck continuous quilting designs by Ann Bright.  This will also be my first time to use a pattern and stitch from the back of the machine.  Sure hope it goes well!


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