So I was supposed to work on one of Mom’s quilt tops next. At least that’s what I said I’d do. But I didn’t.
I decided I needed another lap quilt and pulled out three packets of charm squares from Mom’s old stash. Here’s what I made with them! It’s just the perfect size to use as “supplementary” warmth on my bed. Since Bruce likes to sleep cooler than I do, I add an extra quilt to my side of the bed. I’ve found that lap sizes are just perfect.
And here’s the back. I had four extra blocks so I put them on there. I don’t like having orphan blocks in my stash, so I generally like to do that. Besides, I really like the look, and I get a traditional side, and a more modern-looking side. My kitty Ansel approves (I swear I can’t get a photo of a quilt without him or my girl kitty Morticia stealing the show.)

The other diversion I went on was crumb piecing. OMIGOSH… what a fun way to find a use for tiny scraps! I had a whole box of them and just started sewing. Once I had a piece big enough, I’d cut a 10″ square then put the scraps from that one together into the next square.
I finished the box and have 43 of them now! I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with them. I do know I want to use them as if they were a regular piece of fabric.
Here’s a link to a Jenny Doan’s tutorial on how to do it.

But really, Mom’s quilt top is next. It’s on the machine and basted in place. I think I know what I want to do with it, and I’m getting the itch to get it done. I just need to buy some thread.