Shall we say, spiders are not my favorite creatures. But Halloween is the time for scary things, so I decided to create one for this month’s newsletter. I chose a black widow spider because to me they’re about the scariest spider that lives in this area.
I decided to find some information about the black widow spider to pass along. I figured they only lived in the western United States. I was wrong! Apparently, they live in most of the world!
I thought I’d pass along this article for those who are interested.
This design is beginner level and uses one shuttle. I used size 20 thread in black and Christmas red.
Printable pattern (88K. Opens a new window.)
Patterns are available for download as a PDF file and are readable by using Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader free.
You will need:
Thread in your choice of color and size.
1 tatting shuttle
ds | double stitch | p | picot | lp | long picot |
j | join | lj | lock join |
Read here for information about the lock join Instructions:
Hourglass (red)
R: (2ds p) 2 times, 2ds, close
R: (2ds p) 2 times, 2ds, close
Cut and tie.
Spider (black)
Wind about 2 ft of black thread on a shuttle but do not cut the thread away from the ball before starting to stitch.
R: (2ds lp) 2 times, 4ds lp 2ds lp 2ds, close, turn
Ch: 2ds lj to top right picot in hourglass, 7ds lj to bottom right picot in hourglass, 4ds lj to next p in hourglass, 7ds lj to last p in hourglass, 2ds
Cut and tie.
Cut all four of the lp open. Trim the threads so they are all about the same length.

Copyright 2010 by Nancy Tracy, All Rights Reserved.