My mother created 50+ quilts in her lifetime. For years, she just kept the tops in a closet, but then she learned about longarm quilting machines. She researched and found one she liked, then got busy quilting. Her goal was to get all her quilts done before she died.
But Mom wasn’t satisfied with finishing quilt tops. She made more! She always had something going, and most of the time, it was pretty spectacular. I have a lot of photos of her work, and I plan on spending some time putting them up in their own section of this site. But that will take me a while.
She had an incredible output, and quilted up until the day before she passed away almost three years ago. Unfortunately, she didn’t quite reach her goal. Out of the 30+ tops she started with, there were still six left to go. It was quite an accomplishment!
Before she passed, I promised her that I would finish those last quilt tops for her. And I’ve been completely daunted and overwhelmed. So I haven’t yet. BUT 2019 is the year. I will get one done every other month so that by December I’ll have them all finished. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
So my method of operation is to put the quilt on my design wall and think about it for a while. Today, Bruce helped me put up the first quilt top. Isn’t it a beauty? Well, if I could take a better picture. The dark areas are all blue.

Mom was born on July 4, and she just loved patriotic themes. She loved it when we went down into Washington, D.C. for concerts by the armed forces bands. Since she passed, I cry every time I hear the national anthem. Well, I kind of did anyway, but I’m more likely to do it now.
I have one other quilt I need to finish before I quilt this one, so I’d better get busy!