Before I start on my story, let me apologize for my video skills. It’s totally new to me and I made some newbie mistakes making these.
On Monday last week Ansel had an appointment with the vet. I got him in his carrier (he’s such a sucker for treats), and packed him outside. I had just placed him in the car when I heard a little, high-pitched sound coming from the other side of the house. So I walked over, and sitting there all in a row were four tiny kittens! Oh my goodness, they were adorable! So I hurried back inside and got a box. By the time I got back, they were back in their home under the porch.
While at the vet, I asked what to do, and she suggested that I call the local no-kill shelter but to leave them alone until we had a plan. It was already past closing time, so I waited to call until the next day. In the meantime, we went out to visit the kittens again. Our neighbors came outside just after, and their kids were so excited! We told them that we would make sure the kittens are cared for and that we’ll try to catch the mother and have her spayed.
The next day, just as I got off the phone with them, Bruce and I heard a sound on the front porch and went outside. It was my neighbor putting the kittens in a box! Apparently, they were outside again, and she was afraid they were going to get hurt. So I took them and assured her I was taking care of things.
I brought them in the house, put them in the tub, and put what I thought was a lot of canned cat food on a plate. Not hardly enough! They were hungry! Here’s a video of them eating their first meal.
So basically, most of my whole week was taking care of these adorable little babies. The vet checked them over, and they’re all healthy.
Play time!
The vet said I could adopt them out anytime. That’s easier said than done. Fortunately for me, my vet volunteered to take the kittens until the local no-kill shelter could find a foster home. I took her up on it after about a week of feeding them, washing them by wiping them down with a damp towel, cleaning the litter box, cleaning the bathroom, and playing with them. During that week they recovered from diarrhea due to the drastic change in their diet, learned to cuddle, started playing rambunctiously, learned to climb my pant leg, learned to use the litter box, and ate and ate and ate. Whew! And I thoroughly enjoyed it. I just ran out of steam after a while.
Thankfully, as soon as they were settled in at the vet’s office, there were enough people who showed interest in them to adopt all of them! And now that I’ve had a week to catch up with things, my bathroom is clean, my dishes are done, my laundry is caught up, and I can finally write this post.