My name is Nancy Tracy and I’m a tatter and a quilter.  I love other techniques as well.  In fact, if it involves thread or fiber or fabric, I’m usually up for it!

When I was a teenager, my mother took a class and learned to tat.  She wanted to teach me then, but I wasn’t so interested (what was I thinking?!).  But years later when my daughter was a toddler, I decided I wanted to learn.  I bought a book and a shuttle, but I forgot thread, so I pulled out the thickest thread I had–some buttonhole thread.  I don’t recommend using buttonhole thread to learn.  It was hard!  But I persisted, and taught myself to tat.  I’ve been happily tatting ever since.

My husband, Bruce, and I are now empty nesters.  I had a little trouble adjusting at first, so we ended up with two cats because apparently I need something to take care of.

On weekdays, I work full-time as an electrical designer/drafter for a major corporation.  My free time I spend gardening, tatting, quilting, making temari, volunteering for my church, and taking care of my home and family.  (Sleep is optional)